The details are coming in thick and fast, but the deeper truth is still a blur. When 7-year-old indigenous Yuliana Andrea Samboní was brutally raped, tortured and murdered in one of Bogota's wealthiest districts, Colombians were outraged. A week on, and allegations that a child sex-trafficking syndicate has been operating to fulfill the desires of wealthy male professionals is devastating human rights advocates worldwide.
People participate in a farewell ceremony on Wednesday for Yuliana Andrea Samboní. Photograph: Mauricio Duenas Castaneda/EPA via
The English news is a little slow to catch up with Colombian reports that are now saying two semen samples were found inside Yuliana, sparking a hunt for a second perpetrator. Key suspect Rafael Uribe Noguera has pleaded guilty, and a doorman - one of the case's key suspects - has wound up dead, suspected of suicide, or, as locals suspect, murdered for knowing far too much.
"The suspect, Rafael Uribe Noguera, is from a wealthy family of lawyers and architects and attended one of Bogotá’s most exclusive schools. Yuliana and her family moved to the city four years ago from southern Cauca province, which is rife with violence linked to Colombia’s ongoing civil conflict. Her father worked in construction and her mother was five months pregnant with her third child."
Read the latest English report here: