I am truly excited about the upcoming release of Anicca’s latest collaboration, Sea of Islands, a cinematic 360° virtual reality experience that invites viewers to visit Pacific Islands already facing the impact of the climate crisis and meet local communities sharing their inspirational stories of resilience.
The VR documentary has been initially shared with United Nations members and will launch globally on June 15th.
Amb. Rabab Fatima thanked DPPA for developing Sea of Islands:
"The video shows us the breathtaking beauty of the Pacific Islands; but it also sadly shows us the grave risk that the Islands are facing and the need for urgent action."
Rabab Fatima (Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to UN, New York; PR to ISBA; Chair, Peacebuilding Commission; President, UN-Women Executive Board; Envoy to Peru, Jamaica) viewing Sea of Islands. Credit: Twitter/@UNPeacebuilding
United Nations Peacebuilding Commission is committed to explore avenues to support regional, national & local initiatives to mitigate the security implications & other impacts of Climate Change in the Pacific Islands. Credit: Twitter/@BangladeshUN1
Credit: Twitter/@JapanMissionUN
Credit: Twitter/@JapanMissionUN
Sea of Islands is produced by PHORIA and the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (UN DPPA), with Anicca Media.