Wild Heart interview with Wallflower Diaries

It's not always easy being on the other side of the questions, but when my dear friend Sarah Paynter from Wallflower Diaries asked me if I would interview for her travel blog, I said yes, in the hope that my rugged journey and that which I have learned along the way would inspire others to break from the status quo and live their wildest dreams.

I'm filled with gratitude to be featured on this week's Wild Heart Feature, and I think this might just be the most candid interview I have done to date.

Thank you Sarah! You inspire me daily and I can't wait to get you featured on The Anicca Way soon, and on the new podcast!

Much love,



Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox calls you to expand your transformation and manifest your dreams

Spring Equinox is here. Credit: Angie Davis

Spring Equinox is here. Credit: Angie Davis

Happy Spring Equinox!

Over here in Japan the snow is melting and the days are filling with sunshine and strong signs of Spring.

A time of transformation, and completion of the birth, death, and re-birth cycle for another year, the Spring Equinox is held on 19/20th March depending where you are in the world, and is recognized as the beginning of the new astrological calendar and a time for manifestation. Here in Japan, today is known as Vernal Equinox, and is a celebration of new life and tradition calls for us to give our attention to promoting fertility in crops and humans.

If you made resolutions during the Winter Equinox (the period following Christmas and early January) then the Spring Equinox is the time to bring these resolutions into fruition.

Literally meaning "equal night" in Latin, the Equinoxes are the only times of the year when day equals night, no matter your location on Earth. When day and night are equal, the sacred feminine and masculine energies come together in harmony, allowing life to emerge.

Put your attention to what you want to create, achieve and use this transformational period to getting to work to making your dreams happen.

In this New Astrological Year we will be moving through emotional maturity (Moon/Saturn) and breaking through the conditioning (Jupiter, Uranus, Chiron, Pluto) to truly unlock our soul's purpose and align with our true self (Sun, Venus, Chiron). The world needs us all to unlock and pursue our gifts!

I highly recommend you subscribe to Kaypacha from New Paradigm Astrology on YouTube and his incredible weekly Pele Reports as a guide to help us stay in alignment and understand what we are experiencing as a collective - you are not alone!

I am aligning with my inner self today with a 24-hour water fast to re-set my digestive system and allow a release of any feelings or emotions that may arise. Check out Tyler Tolman's advice and resources on water and juice fasting to learn more.

So much love to you all,


Why we should be DEVOTIONAL, not emotional, with Rich Roll and Julie Piatt

Crisis and strife is the perfect opportunity for growth and evolution. We are in a great transformation period on Earth and the Age of Aquarius is lifting the veil of illusion from our eyes. 

In this podcast by the ever-amazing Rich Roll and his gorgeous, intelligent wife Julie Piatt, we're introduced to the concept of INSISTENCE and not the old paradigm mindset of resistance.

When our words, actions, thoughts and deeds all contain vibrational force, our consciousness has to reflect the highest divine outcome. 

You will love this episode of the Rich Roll podcast, check it out HERE

Rich Roll and Julie Piat. http://www.richroll.com

Rich Roll and Julie Piat. http://www.richroll.com

Rich Roll on Instagram: @richroll

Julie Piat on Instagram: @srimati

Returning to roots

Our deepest roots are in nature. If we seek any place to call home during this period of time when huge energetic shifts are stirring up emotions and causing us to go deep within, that place we seek should be in nature. Natural water is of particularly benefit during this New Moon in Pisces. If you have access to the ocean, fresh river streams, waterfalls, volcanic hot springs or other natural water sources you'll do well to spend time allowing your body to be consumed by the water and it's highly charged cleansing properties. 


Solar Eclipse at the New Moon in Pisces.

Feeling the turbulence? Are huge shocks dropping on you like bombs? Welcome to the end of a one and a half year cycle, and huge opportunities for surrendering into personal growth and moving into unity consciousness as today's Solar Eclipse at the New Moon in Pisces rattles our cages. 

Kaypacha and his dream team of astrologists Ari and Sol hosted a free webinar yesterday morning to discuss this huge eclipse and guide us to flushing out the old, and letting in the new. Sharing it for you below, with love.


Kaypacha and his team will be hosting an incredible workshop in Costa Rica in May - don't miss your chance to join them.

Happy flushing!